Friday, March 21, 2014

Turning Loose

My wife and daughters have often told me that I just can't turn loose of something once I have my mind made up.  I've come to the conclusion that they are right.  However, in my defense, it is because I am a passionate person with strong convictions.  When I am proven wrong, or someone demonstrates a better perspective, I have often changed my view and conviction.  Having said that, there are some immutable truths that God has delivered on which I will not capitulate.  I believe He is the ultimate judge of what is right and wrong.  Therefore, I approach His word with a certain amount of trepidation, expecting to be taught.  Instead of bringing my own preconceived notions, using the scriptures to prove what I already believe, I go to the Word, leaving my own conclusions behind, and read with an open mind, allowing the Lord's words to speak without interpretation.  At least, that is my goal.  Since I am an imperfect human, I need to be in constant prayer, meditating over what has been delivered.  The one thing I strive not to do is to mix scripture with worldly wisdom.  This is dangerous, and leads to much error.  I fear that far too many Christians have bowed to the god of pseudo science, especially in areas that are delicate to discuss.  In the interest of tolerance, we have begun to tolerate that which God does not.  This is what has inspired this blog entry.

When approaching the subject of homosexuality, I have been labeled with several derogatory labels.  Most recently I was called self-righteous and judgmental because I called homosexuality a perversion.  Yet, I was only calling this sinful lifestyle what God calls it.  But, these terms are mild compared to the others, such as, hater, bigot, homophobe, etc.  What's disconcerting is that these are coming from Christians who should know better.  Oh, I realize that they believe they are being compassionate and tolerant toward people who simply can't help themselves.  And, to support this there is science.  Unfortunately, the same science that is used to tell us that people are born homosexual, also tells us that some are born with a predilection toward alcoholism, drug addiction, and a myriad of other types of aberrant behavior.  The primary difference is that we used to treat people who were homosexual, just as we treat alcoholics or drug addicts.  We helped them find a cure.  And, it worked.  Many were able to overcome and lead normal lives striving to be the kind of people God wants us to be.  But, for some reason unknown to me, science decided to defy God when it comes to homosexuality, telling people that it is normal.  Then, some Christians who have decided to interpret scripture using this pseudo science, have also condoned this sinful lifestyle.  So, now we have a lot of good people who are living in opposition to God's will, being deceived by the great deceiver, and in danger of hell fire.  Do we not care that these are possibly going to hell?  I don't get it.  I am called a hater, when I care enough to want to help these poor misguided souls.  Is it really compassion to condone what God clearly condemns?  Yet we sit idly by while thousands are being deceived.

Homosexuality is not the only sin we are condoning by our silence.  Sexual immorality of all sorts is being seen as tacitly approved.  Watch an evening of prime time television and you will witness adultery, fornication, and pornography being portrayed as normal human functions.  If we speak out against teens having sex before marriage we are told that we are being unreasonable.  Adultery is expected.  Pornography is portrayed as a normal, acceptable part of life.  Foul language is vogue, even among Christians.  It demonstrates how tolerant and enlightened one has become.  Human life has been cheapened at every level. Young girls are being objectified in our restaurants, given immodest uniforms to entice men to look and order more from the menu.  There is more emphasis on toned bodies than there is on moral lives.  Something is wrong only if you are caught.  Lies are okay so long as no one gets hurt.  In fact, that is often the justification for much of this sinful activity.  You often hear, "Who are they hurting?"  Well, my answer to that question is, "God."  He hurts every time we willfully sin.

Am I saying that God's grace is insufficient? Absolutely not!  However, the Bible gives us very stern warnings about taking the grace of God for granted.  "What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase?  By no means! We are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?"  Romans 9:1-2  And then, the one that should cause everyone pause: "If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God." Hebrews 10:26-27

I have leaned hard on homosexuality because it seems as though every force outside the Bible is trying to push this sinful lifestyle on us, forcing us to accept it as normal.  I have nothing but the greatest compassion toward those who are caught up in this great lie.  So, rather than condoning it and accepting their eventual fate, I would rather reach out in love and offer them redemption instead of condemnation.  This is what God wants.  It is what His grace offers.  "The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance." 2 Peter 3:9

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Week 52 2013 Post-Season Football

It is amazing how many bowl games are played when the season is over.  I have such a difficult time trying to keep up with college games throughout the season, and then post-season comes with its bowl games.  Add to that the NFL play-off games leading to the Superbowl.  Oh, excuse me, the “big game.”  It seems that just because the season is over, we aren’t ready to let it end.  It’s all good, because I love football, and I’m sure that other fans would echo that sentiment.

I wonder, is there anything else we are just not ready to let go of?  Oh sure, we aren’t ready to let go of our loved ones when they come to the end of their lives.  There are probably a lot of books, movies, and songs we would like to extend.  What about those things devoted to the Lord?

What if we found worship to be so enjoyable we weren’t ready to let it end?  How would the world look if we enjoyed serving at a soup line so much we extended our agreement regularly?  If our love for our fellows was so deep we just couldn’t wait to express it in tangible ways, how exciting would that be?

As we begin another year, let me offer a new year’s resolution that would be sure to make 2014 better than any other year.  Let’s resolve to show love for everyone, regardless of who they are or whether they reciprocate that love.

Week 51 2013 Places to Go, People to See

We have been traveling most of our lives.  From the moment of our engagement on, seeing places we hadn’t seen before has been a priority.  I remember Una telling me that she had never been anywhere.  That statement is no longer true.  By the time we had retired we had been in every state in the Union.  However, we are a bit light on world travel, having only been to the two bordering countries, Ireland, and the western Caribbean islands of Cayman, Jamaica, and Honduras.  While there is still life in the body, there is hope in the heart that the Lord will bless us to see even more of the world.

Why do we like to travel so much?  Primarily, because we love witnessing all the intricacies of God’s creativity found on earth.  There is the history associated with many of the sights we visit.  The marvel of what mankind has been able to build is fascinating.  People.  Everywhere we go, we are blessed to meet wonderful people.  Meeting people and making friends, even those with whom we have limited time, are priceless.  Some of these have become friends while traveling the “information highway.”  It has been a joy to meet some of these face to face after a time.  We now have friends spread throughout the globe.

It is this final aspect of traveling that has given us pause to put the brakes on our traveling.  Even though we have friends all over the world, there are concentrations in two different locales, California and Texas.  That doesn’t, in any way, discount the feelings we have toward our dear friends in Oregon, Washington, Montana, Wyoming, Arizona, West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Florida, Maine, Ireland . . . you get the picture.  Yet, it does offer some stability as we grow older.  You see, in these two places we have established church families that love us and care for us like no other.  These folks follow our travels and look forward to our return so we can once again be engaged in the ministries that we so enjoy.  From Men On a Mission to Monday Fun and Fellowship, we encourage and are encouraged in ways that no amount of travel can equal.

So, does this mean we will stop traveling?  No.  It does mean that we will probably travel less.  Remember, we still have people to see in other places, and there are still other places.  Happy trails!