Now, as Paul Harvey would say, the rest of the story. Noah had a drinking problem. Abraham fathered a son with his servant. Moses murdered an Egyptian. David committed adultery and murder. Solomon practiced polygamy like no other. The Samaritan woman had been married five times and was shacking up with a man when Jesus met her. Peter was a hot-tempered fisherman who cut a man’s ear off. Paul persecuted the church and consented to the murder of Stephen. Wow!
It isn’t really amazing that God can use anyone for His purposes. However, it is amazing that He does. It is doubtful that many of our church leaders would use people with this type of baggage. We would welcome them into our churches and allow them to serve, but lead? Probably not. It’s a shame that we fail to recognize the value of a hurting person, someone who has experienced the failings of a fallen world and come out of the darkness into the light of the Lord.
I have been asked to write a book about my life. Some people think that I have lived an interesting life and that I should share it with others. The most difficult part in the project is writing about my life before Jesus. I feel I could echo Paul in saying that I am the chief of sinners. There is much in that prior life that I am not proud of, and I’m not quite sure that I’m ready to bare my soul. However, my supporters assure me that my past makes my life in the Lord shine that much brighter. I wonder. As I write my memoirs, should I include the rest of the story?
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