Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Would a Loving God Really Send Anyone to Hell?

            I find it disturbing that there are increasing numbers of Christians who question the existence of hell and Satan.  In defense of their position they ask, “Would a loving God really send anyone to a place like hell?”  In an age where we have come to embrace the concept of grace such as many have never done, this question is difficult for many to answer.  After all, God’s grace is offered to everyone, right?  Furthermore, God is love, right?  Jesus died for the world, for all people.  Who of us have a right to judge anyone else?  I mean, we are all sinners, right?  And, for most of us who are enlightened, hell-fire and damnation sermons are just downright offensive.  We want to reach out to the lost (lost to what?) with the love and grace of God.  Because, we all know that perfect love casts out fear.  If we are uncomfortable around people who are practicing a sinful lifestyle we are branded with all sorts of labels.  We are looked down upon as discompassionate, ignorant, homophobic, legalistic, hard-nosed, holier-than-thou, unenlightened, mean-spirited...the list goes on.  This is not to say that there aren’t those who forget to love the sinner, while hating the sin.  There are all sorts of radical people.  But, are we to turn a blind eye to sin?  Are we to condone sinful activity in the name of God’s grace and love?  Is there no line between good and evil?  Are there no consequences for sin?
            Back to the question of whether or not God would send someone to hell.  It’s too simple to point out that the Bible says He will, even though that is true.  For many, simply because the Bible condemns sinful activity, it isn’t enough.  Our world is filled with supposed scholars who have convinced many that the Bible is  unreliable because of its many translations.  However, those same scholars would stand by the reliability of many secular ancient writings that have also gone through numerous translations.  Given the limited faith of many Christians in the veracity of scripture, allow me to make a logical appeal.  Let’s be honest.  How many of us are comfortable to be in the presence of sinful people?  Even those who are caught up in sin themselves are uncomfortable in the presence of someone who is in the process of committing murder or child molestation.  Would a loving God subject His faithful (not perfect) followers to an eternity of having to rub elbows with those who refuse to give up their sinful activity?  And then, I guess we need to ask ourselves if God is a just God.  Do we really believe that Jesus gave His life so that those who believe in Him might have eternal life and not perish?  Is there really to be no consequence for living a life of sin?  If God is just there must be consequences for those who choose to persist in their sin.  Oh, I know for those of you who still believe in the Bible you are shouting at this point, “IT’S WRITTEN IN GOD’S WORD!”  And, you are right.  However, as I stated earlier, there are many Christians who are being brainwashed by scholars who do not believe.
            I know I’m taking a risk by calling sin what it is, but I feel that I am in good company.  Jesus and His disciples did the same and they were persecuted by the supposed religious scholars of their day.  I feel no compulsion to condone the sinful activity of others.  I feel every compulsion to love them in spite of their sinful activity.  I feel every compulsion to remind them that if they persist in living contrary to God’s will that they will one day face His judgement and that they could very easily be in danger of living for eternity in a place called hell – a place that is reserved for a very real Satan and those who have chosen to follow him.  So, I guess if that makes me a little hard-nosed I can accept that.  However, don’t tell me that I have no compassion, or that I am ignorant, homophobic, legalistic, holier-than-thou, unenlightened, or mean-spirited.  I am none of these, and find people who are to be just as repulsive as those who continue to live in sin.  I am making an appeal to all Christians to stand up for what God does and to remember that He is repulsed by sin.  He, in His unlimited love and grace, has offered a way out of sin for all who chose to have faith in His Son.

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