Romans 5 tells us that because of the death of Jesus Christ we receive the gift of eternal life from God. Along with this gift comes the gift of Christ’s righteousness, reconciliation to God, justification through faith, and peace with God. This sounds wonderful, and it truly is, at least for some, beyond belief. This raises a few questions. First, why is it beyond belief? And, what is the alternative? Or, is there an alternative?
The first part of this gift that defies belief is eternal life. We have all experienced death in its many forms seen throughout the ages and places. The great statesman, Benjamin Franklin, is known to have said, "In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." This is a truth we can sink our teeth into. There is no escaping the fact that we will all die. Outside of the Bible narrative, there is no documented source of anyone escaping death. It is an inevitability we must all face, whether we like it or not. Many have sought out a way to avoid death, and all have failed. Thus, the promise of a way to defy death is, indeed, appealing. However, the old axiom “if it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t” comes into play. For many, the biblical promise of eternal life simply sounds too good to be true, so they reject it as just another myth in the long stream of age-defying remedies that have existed throughout recorded history. So, why should they believe this over all the others?
Jesus offers this gift in that familiar passage, John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” We have heard this so many times that we often lose the depth of what is stated. Especially when we look at in light of what Paul says in the first chapter of Romans. God is revealed in creation. All know within their heart of hearts that God exists. It is this inborn knowledge that reveals more to life than the few years lived out on this earth. Thus, Jesus offers the love of a God who is made evident to all. And, in offering this love, He offers two alternatives: eternal life or perishing. He backs this up by overcoming death in His own body. The resurrected Jesus, witnessed by hundreds, puts to rest the argument against eternal life. Through His death, burial, and resurrection, Jesus demonstrates His ability to raise the dead to eternal life. Knowing this, we have a choice to make. We can believe in Jesus and gain eternal life, or choose to reject Him and perish.
It’s actually pretty simple. However, there are those who still choose to not take advantage of this free gift of God. Some have chosen to not believe in God, even though He is revealed in every little intricacy of nature. For some reason, these often believe that acceptance of Jesus means that they will have to give up the pleasures of this life. That misconception is truly unfortunate. Those of us who have received the gift of God realize that in entails more than eternal life. This gift includes a truly wonderful, abundant life in the here and now. I have often said that if I got to the end of this life and God did turn out to be a myth, my life would still have been better for having believed in Him. On the other hand, for those gambling on Him being a myth, they not only miss out on the good life He offers while here, they take the chance of missing out on eternal life and facing the consequence of perishing.
Which is it for you? Choosing eternal life, or choosing to perish?
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