Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Redefined Sex

I have a degree in English, with a focus on Shakespeare.  For those of you who have studied Shakespeare, you have an idea of what I endured with my conservative views.  My mentor/teacher, Eugene Zumwalt, was an existentialist.  He believed that William Shakespeare was a homosexual.  The reason I respected Professor Zumwalt so much was that he allowed me to have a different opinion, and he even respected my opposing view.  One day in class we were covering love letters seemingly written from one man to another man.  Knowing I was a preacher, and that I held an opposing view, Mr. Zumwalt called on me to express my opinion.  My response was simple, but honest.  I said that I felt it to be a sad state of affairs that we in modern times have redefined love to necessitate sexual activity.  There was a time, not so long ago, that a man could love another man, or a woman a woman, without any sexual connotation.  It is a modern concept that distorts love.  From the beginning sexual activity has been an intended part of monogamous marriage.  The primary purpose to populate the earth.  God, in His infinite wisdom, made it pleasurable.  Thus, as a side benefit, it becomes an expression of our love to our mate.

However, love outside of marriage, is expressed in many non-sexual ways.  In fact, the primary function of love does not include sexual activity.  God is love.  To attach sexual activity to this primary basis of love is unthinkable.  We have a love for our children that causes us to sacrifice our lives for their benefit.  When sexual activity is attached to this love, we rightfully see it as perversion and prosecute these offenders without concern for the offenders welfare.  I love my brothers and sisters, both those biological and those in the Lord.  Attaching sexual activity to these relationships would not only destroy those relationships, but it would just be wrong.  From the beginning of time, men have loved other men without any sexual activity.  In fact, when men did engage in such behavior, it was rightly viewed as a perversion.  God destroyed two cities, Sodom and Gomorrah, primarily because of this kind of aberrant behavior.  He states plainly that homosexual offenders will not enter the kingdom of heaven.  When listing those things that are an abhorrence to Him, homosexuality finds its way to that list.

There is no good reason to redefine love in order to bring legitimacy to sexual perversion.  I understand that my words fly in the face of current thought.  Furthermore, I understand that some people are born with an inclination toward homosexuality.  However, others are born with inclinations toward violence, dishonesty, and other aberrant behavior.  We don’t justify this behavior because they have this inclination.  So, why do we do it with homosexuality?

In the early seventies I drove a Yellow Cab in Sacramento, working the night shift.  During my one and a half year tenure I hauled a lot of homosexuals in my cab, transporting them from one gay bar to another, and often back to their home.  Without exception, every single homosexual male that rode in my taxi propositioned me.  Now I ask, is that normal behavior?  If so, why didn’t every woman also proposition me?  Another little dirty secret that few want to talk about is the high percentage of homosexuals who are also pedophiles.  There are actually resorts in Mexico that cater to these homosexual men, bringing in poor young boys from the surrounding villages.  Instead of embracing homosexuality, we should be outraged!  Now, please do not get me wrong.  I am not advocating the mistreatment of homosexuals.  Quite the contrary, I believe we should love and have great compassion toward the homosexual.  They have a tremendous burden to overcome.  Having said that, it is no different than any other aberrant leaning that needs to be overcome.  Just as we try to rehabilitate thieves and those who suffer with anger management, we need to help rehabilitate the homosexual.  The one thing we don’t need to do, is redefine love.  Let’s keep love pure, the way God intended


  1. Wow. Thank you for this post. Extremely well written. Thank you


  2. Thanks for posting this, Rod. I agree 100%!!

  3. This lifestyle is a big concern. It is redefining the morality of our country and our family structure. God's laws are timeless and do not change. He is clear on the practice of homosexuality. It is not to be done.

  4. Thanks for your encouraging words. I think it's about time that we start speaking out. I know there will be those who will attack us for doing so. They will say we lack compassion, call us names, and ridicule us. I have actually known Christian people who accept current thought, saying that homosexuality is normal. Some will say it is a matter of interpretation. However, scripture is very clear; it needs no interpretation. The other side is very powerful and they have a loud voice, since the media and the entertainment industry align themselves, bent on making us all agree with them. Sad, but true.
