I didn’t come to know the Lord until I was twenty-seven years old. I can remember having the same view of the church that my neighbor has. All of my life I had witnessed the various groups who all claimed to be Christians or Believers, wanting to share their message of love with me, wanting me to join their particular church because it was the best one, or the right one. When I would ask about another church, the most common response would be that they were wrong and not a part of the “true” church. It appeared to me that these folks who expressed love for me, and presented a God of love, didn’t love others who were basically offering the same message. The hypocrisy was overwhelming. So, I refused to have anything to do with any church. Fortunately for me, God placed a Christian couple in my life who didn’t try to convert me to a church. Instead, they lead me to Jesus Christ. Having been converted to the Lord, developing a relationship with Him, I was able to view the church through His eyes. With His view, I could share His sorrow over our divisions and lack of love and unity. And then, I could love the true church, that is, the body of believers without some flawed institutional foundation. Thus, I am a believer that Christ has placed in His church. This church doesn’t have a sign over the door, yet, it can be found in places where there is a sign over the door. This church encompasses believers who have placed their trust in a God who is adorning His church to be a beautiful bride, delivered up to His Son.
So, yes, the church(s) created by mankind for mankind is ugly. It’s division and shared hatred toward one another is far removed from that which the Lord intended. But, if our hope is in the Lord, with our faith being in His assurance of salvation, sharing His love for God and each other, then He has added us to His church, that beautiful bride, for which He gave His life! What church are you a member of?
By the way, as I shared my testimony with my neighbor, he offered that perhaps he might find himself in my position one day. I pray that it will be so.