Monday, September 23, 2013

Week 33 2013 Lifestyle Choices

My wife and I are constantly trying to overcome the effects of aging.  We try and eat right and less.  Our daily routine includes an exercise routine that works on our muscle structure and, combined with our diet, attempts to keep our weight under control.  All in all, it seems to be effective.  With the realization that we will never again enjoy our twenty-something bodies, we are content in the knowledge that we will not be grossly obese and that our health is as good as can be expected at our age.  However, we also know that if we fail to keep up with our routine we will quickly become flabby, overweight, and less healthy.  So, this will continue to be our lifestyle for the rest of our lives.  And, that is a good thing.  We have discovered that with regular workouts and proper diet we have more energy and life is just better.  Unfortunately, some of us didn’t get this message when we were young, so we are working off the flab of our youthful indulgences.  I am impressed by young people who have established a healthy routine in their early years.  They will be glad they made that choice when they reach my age.  It takes less effort to stay in shape when you are already in great shape.

Jesus intends His disciples to be in great shape.  Thus, the Bible is openly provided to all.  Even more, the revelations of the Divine in nature are inescapable.  That is, unless we choose to ignore Him, or lack interest in His teachings.  If, on the other hand, we choose to know more about Him, learning all we can about His will and ways, we can establish a routine filled with prayer, meditation, reading, and study, that will strengthen our spiritual beings, causing us to be more Christlike.  Fortunately, this exercise regimen takes little effort and tends to fill one with great joy.  Just as a healthy physical lifestyle requires one to voluntarily avoid unhealthy choices, so too a healthy spiritual lifestyle.  However, as anyone who is physically and/or spiritually fit can testify, the benefits far out weigh the sacrifices.  What we gain in return for what we lose is so beneficial that we soon lose interest in the “forbidden fruits.”

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