Friday, September 27, 2013

Week 35 2013 Profound or Pro Found

I love to write.  However, I have no illusions about my writing.  I am neither gifted nor profound.  While I may be able to occasionally come up with something that is interesting or amusing, there are many others who do it a lot better.  My reading list includes many of those who are truly profound.  These are gifted people who are able to take those things that many of us see as ordinary and discover the hidden spectacular, and then open those secrets to the world in a comprehensible manner that amazes and amuses.  These are those I refer to as the pro found.  In other words, the professional who is able to utter those prophetic phrases that help to influence my thought processes.  Yet, they would not be recognized if they had not honed their talent through an educational process that includes a great deal of time reading and studying the gifted ones from the ages.  Thus, in one sense, much of what they do is an amalgamation of what others have already proclaimed, giving credence to Solomon’s dictate that there is nothing new under the sun.  Put in its proper perspective, this truth takes nothing from the truly profound.  They would be first to confess that much of what they have to say has been said before, albeit in not the same manner or context.  It is this latter truth that aides in the profundity of these gifted writers.

I once had a friend who, while talking, would stop and repeat something he had just said and say, “See, I come up with these profound statements all the time.”  I would have to use extreme self-control to keep from laughing and hurting this fellow’s feelings, because I knew he was serious.  He truly believed that he was profound, when, at best, he was just repeating what someone else had already said, and, at worst, saying something that was so ordinary that even a stretch of the imagination would find nothing profound.  It sort of reminded me of some of those poor souls who try out for American Idol.  One finds themselves asking if they really believe they can sing?  I know from personal experience that many of them do believe just that.  The same is true with writers and public speakers.  There are many who are self-deluded into believing they are profound, when, at best, they are pro found.

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