A fourteen-year-old girl was performing oral sex for one of her classmates as a teacher rounded the corner, looking to buy a soft drink from the bank of machines in an alcove off the main hallway. Of course, both the children were expelled. Over the next several days our administration was assailed by students, teachers, parents, even the Mayor. They were all saying that what the kids were doing is not that bad. Most of them were saying that the kids were just doing what comes natural. All of them were saying that the punishment was too harsh. The one thing missing was outrage for what the kids were doing. No one was saying that it was wrong.
Tiger Woods, Magic Johnson, Charlie Sheen, Madonna, Sex in the City, Playboy Mansion, Paris Hilton advertising a hamburger through sexual innuendo. Just a small sampling of the sexual bombardment the average citizen endures on a daily basis. Everything from a President claiming that oral sex is not really sex, to porn stars being exalted, our children are shown a world where illicit sex is running rampant. Prostitution is overlooked, and in some cases, exalted as an honorable profession. Online pornography is one of the fastest growing online businesses. Married couples are engaged is this line of business to supplement their income. Business people, teachers, ministers, and government officials are almost daily being exposed for their involvement in child pornography. Human slavery is on the rise, where young people are sold to be used as sex toys.
Some will say that this kind of thing has always been around. There is no denying the truth in that statement. There have always been those who would abuse sex. Just as there have always been those who commit murder. The difference is that there are very few people trying to justify murder. On the other hand, there are those who would justify wrongful sex acts. In fact, justification is the norm. Talk shows promote the concept that infidelity is not only normal, it is to be accepted. We are to believe that abstinence is archaic and unreasonable. Expecting people to be monogamous is silly, we just can’t have that kind of self-control.
While it is true that there will always be those who make mistakes. It is equally true that our response to those who are penitent should be filled with grace. The sad truth is that many are not penitent. This is what needs to change. None of us are beyond sinning. However, the correct response to our sin is remorse. Before the sin is committed, there needs to be a plan helping us to prevent the commission of the sin. Yet, when that fails, and there are times when it will, one must repent, being sincerely sorry for what they have done. Sex is an activity that is reserved for only one circumstance. God offered this gift to a man and woman who are in a covenanted relationship known as marriage. Sexual activity in any other circumstance is wrong – just as wrong as homosexual activity. Neither should be overlooked, swept under the carpet, or justified. We should be calling sin what it is . . . sin!
Finally, sex should be a celebration of our love for our mate. We should rejoice in this joining together of man and woman in an act of pure love, given by God, created by God, ordained by God. Let’s keep it unpolluted!
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